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Re: Outer join issue - IDT


Below is the source query generated by the universe.

If only one of the dim tables are used, the results are fine but when used in conjunction, it reduces the total by 30,000 ...


capture 13.png


This query works fine in Oracle though and gives the expected totals but when run in Webi, total reduces by a significant number

Re: Extending the My Travel and Expense app (TRV_TE_CRE) - Hide 'Add Cost Assignment' Button


Hi Guys,


I got to solve it using a kind of manually fragment extension.


I copied the fragment from the standard project and pasted it to the extension project, renaming it with the "Custom" termination (from "S4.fragment.xml" to "S4Custom.fragment.xml"):


Screen Shot 2016-08-27 at 7.03.29 PM.png


After that, I changed the reference for this fragment at the S4Custom.controller.js, at point of fragment initialization (method handleRouteMatched, line 182, from "mytravelandexpense.view.S4" to "mytravelandexpense.TRV_TE_CREExtension.view.S4Custom"), like the source code below:


Screen Shot 2016-08-27 at 6.56.57 PM.png


Finally, I commented the "Add Cost Assignment" button source code on S4Custom.fragment.xml:


Screen Shot 2016-08-27 at 7.09.02 PM.png


So it worked and the button is not being shown anymore:


Screen Shot 2016-08-27 at 7.38.35 PM.png


As the SAP Web IDE don't provide the fragment extension wizard (as it is provided for view and controller), I think this way we work with fragment extension.





Jairo Canuto

Re: Settle Results Analysis data




thanks for all the responses.


1. ok, i will define settlement rule (in this case, client requirement wants AuC)


2. settlement rule is NOT always required to settle.  for example, with method 13, "WIP at Actual Costs" we are also using, after RA, we run settlement and even if there is no settlement rule, it will settle to the balance sheet account maintained in OKG8.


good day,

Re: Hiding UI element from fragment.xml in standard App

Re: Shipped goods account in 9.2


This is from the F1 help:


This account is used for sales transactions only.


This account records the delivery of inventory when the delivery of inventory and the issue of the invoice occur in different posting periods.


There is an option to turn this on or off in the General Settings>BP Tab


From the F1 Help:





When modified, this setting is updated per company, for all users.








Use Shipped Goods Account for Customer





Select this checkbox to enable the postings to the shipped goods account.



When the delivery of inventory and the issue of the invoice occur in different posting periods, you can choose to post the delivery of the inventory to the shipped goods account instead of the COGS account. As such, the delivery of the inventory will be reflected in your Balance Sheet instead of the Profit and Loss statement, and your income and profit will be recorded more accurately.



Once you have selected this checkbox, the Use Shipped Goods Account checkbox on the General sub tab of the Accounting tab of the Business Partner Master Data window will be selected by default for newly added customers.



Essentially it is an accounting function to record the revenue and expense in the same financial period.

Re: How to set multiple values in Table view in PRDIOQR search result component to Service request header page BTREFOBJ assignment block?


what is the root/access object for your service request creation page ?


you need to check whether BTREFOBJ is already there or not (created/not created). if is there, then you can get the object by using some relations and set the object id


else you need to create that object using relations and create related entity method and set that property with object ids that you have.


basically you need some basics in BOL.


let me know if you need more help.

Re: has stopped working. Can't find out why


Hi Hector,

Not sure if this happens to you,

I have client upgraded from 8.8 to SBO 9.2PL3,

The addon is to create back to back PO from SO.

I noticed that in 9.2 PL3, the reading and setting of the UDFs on the Line level is very slow.

It would take about 1 second to set ONE document line having about 15 udfs.

This would translate to 5 seconds for a document having 5 lines.

This happens both on my development PC and client's live environment.


We resorted to re-write the code using XML.




Re: Receiving HTTP 400 bad request when create content repository




For standard configuration you do not need to do anything else.

You can check that the system PSE is available (t-code strust) and then

send the certificate using t-code oaht.




Re: Can we display Withdrawl Quantity (PGI) in APO SNP planning book ?


Hi Prabhat,


Please check my KBA 1821733.
In normal case (not characteristic-based), withdrawal quantity is saved not only in //dp_head and //dp_sched tables, but also as "original quantity" in liveCache.
You can have a look at this in //rrp3, using command "gt_io" when you're in 'Element' tab.
If you see correct original quantity there, which is the same as withdrawal quantity, you can configure your SNP key figure as described in KBA 1821733, to make the key figure display "original quantity".
I have tried it in my internal system and it works perfectly


Best Regards,

Re: Downloading SAPUI5 js libraries locally


you don't have to do anything. just use the one generated by the plugin.

you don't have to change the core js location.

Re: Aux Key Figures (rows) Attributes ?


Hi Lok,


It looks we do have such limitations for auxiliary key figures ...



SLG2 App log deleted




I accidentally deleted application logs in SLG2 including logs not yet expired.

How important are those?

I mean, whats going to happen and if its serious, what should I do?






Re: Ideal Architecture for Exposing Web Services Outside Firewall

Re: entry for the maturity


Hi Naidu,


The trading of fixed-term deposits (including overnight money and eurocurrency) includes transactions with fixed interest rates and an end of term arranged at the start . This includes the transaction types fixed-term deposit investment and fixed-term deposit borrowing. If the authorized business partners and corresponding payment details are already defined in the standing instructions, the required entries are restricted to the required entries in the structural characteristics. In addition to functions for entering and changing fixed-term deposits, the system also supports functions for rollovers and reversals.

You only have to define the standard interest calculation method and the calendar you want to use once, and these will then be used as default values for the transaction.


Before you can use the Money Market component, you have to maintain master data. You have to

  • Create your business partners , assign the corresponding roles to these partner and maintain the transaction authorizations.
  • Set up the Standing Instructions (correspondence, payment details) and release the business partner.You also have to make the following settings in Customizing:
  • Define the product type (if you do not want to use one of the standard product types delivered with the system, you can define your own product types). You create financial transactions and manage positions on the basis of product types. A fixed-term deposit is one example of a product type in the Money Market area.
  • Define the transaction type. Transaction types determine the type of transactions that can be concluded with a particular product type. They also control the transaction and position management process. An example of this is the Investment or Borrowing of fixed-term deposits.
  • Define the Flow Type. These describe the various changes to the cash flows. Example: Increase in the nominal amount
  • You must assign flow types to transaction types.
  • Define the condition type. This setting controls which structural characteristics are displayed when you create transactions. Example: Nominal interestFor more information, see the relevant section in the Implementation Guide.

You can then define Money Market transactions in the system.

Best regards,


Re: MRP implementation books/literature

Re: BI 4.2.3 JDBC Connection to SQL2012 defaults to SSL


Sorry forgot to attach the error screenshot



Re: BI 4.2.3 JDBC Connection to SQL2012 defaults to SSL




     Have you tried TWO work around options:


  • Create NEW JDBC connection from UDT and then test the same connection from IDT
  • Also try to create personal connection within the Project of your IDT to see works.






Re: Broadcaster Dynamic Variable from Query/ View/ Workbook




How are you doing the broadcasting? Broadcaster should get the date from the queries to be broadcasted, right? In what part are you having problem?




Re: BI 4.2.3 JDBC Connection to SQL2012 defaults to SSL


Thanks Ajay,


   Will try the UDT suggestion and let you know.  Other option is not practical but will also test.




Re: Availability check between plants and central warehouse


Hi Nikos,


I think what you have described is very generic requirement. Firstly define your transaction objects performing


Requirement of material can be as simple as reservation or as complex as Stock Transfer Purchase Req.. Are these materials raw material which will be issued in plant for converting to finished goods or they are ultimately shipped on sales order . is central WH defined as different plant in SAP or it's just storage location.


Depending on model, it could be very simple ATP check on Production order or could be as complex as using SAP SCM to carryout Global ATP module.


Best Regards


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