Thanks Jelena for the reply.
Its a diverse set of master data.
Material master, BOM Routing,dependencies etc are the basic ones to name for.
On your idea of request Idoc triggering the reply from destination system is also a PUSH, isn't it ?
Thanks Jelena for the reply.
Its a diverse set of master data.
Material master, BOM Routing,dependencies etc are the basic ones to name for.
On your idea of request Idoc triggering the reply from destination system is also a PUSH, isn't it ?
Hello Expert
I have a scenario ECC to Third party system , I am using a IDOC from ECC side and sending the data to third party system via webservice .But As per requirement we want to call more than web service at a time . But i am seeing in SOAP receiver channel we can put only one target URL , So please help me how we can call multiple webservice at a time.
Second can we develop this interface as sync scenario ?because sender system is IDOC and IDOC is a ASY adapter.
I just ran my first ASE16 install and I tought it took long... About 30 minutes. However, what size devices are you creating and are they SAN? Like you say, network path for file resolution can slow you down.
Excellent tips Mark. Thank you. Jean-Pierre
It looks like I am having problems with Get_Data and Save_Data functions. using global variables.
Brilliant brilliant brilliant! Thank you for a perfect ending to the week.
many developers (me included) thought abut and/or even tried to do it.
My experience: Although SM 30 has not been made better for decades, it is still more powerful than any 'nice' ALV grid solution. The complex concept of locking and checking, transactional saving, integration of transport management, authority checks, custom events and whatever does not come to my mind is something you will never accomplish in the time an capabilities you got.
Just use SM30, change the generated screen size to full available width and height and live with it.
For each and every view maintenance use a unique function group to make sure you don't loose the overview.
This will help everybody regarding later changes or repairs (Do not think you will do it yourself!).
Regards Clemens
If you want to integrate view maintenance in any kind of program, usse function VIEW_MAINTENANCE_CALL (well documented)
We have certain configurable materials which need an engineering review of the product application application before we allow a sales order to be fulfilled and processed into a production order. In the past, we had this working, or at least thought we had it working, by having a characteristic which I will call ENG_APPR with values of "Approved" and "Not Approved". When not approved, the material would stay yellow in the configuration and then you would have to lock it to go red due to a characteristic restriction we created while it awaited a review by somebody that could change that characteristic to Approved and make it green in the configuration on a sales order. We did this by going into the class for this material and assign the "E" Org. Area against this ENG_APPR characteristic which would mean that only those users with the E profile assigned to their account would be able to change this characteristic value in the material configuration on the sales order line item, right? For some reason, this seems to not be working properly anymore and while our team is investigating the issue, I would like to know what other options there are out there that I could look at for achieving this behavior within the standard SAP configuration?
Is there any way to change the Scrap rate in Operations for Routings under transaction CA02 programmatically. A BDC seems a bit to complicated to do this. Any thoughts?
Hi Akash,
good idea in times of single-sign-logon :-)
Password in ztable must be stored encrypted - read a bit about encryption and decryption. If it's not as easy as expected, hire a professional or better find a workaround (i.e. users already logged into system must pass specific authority checks)
Regards Clemens
Hi Colin,
If you are using a SAPGUI Installation Server to push out the upgrade (which is the recommended route to follow), then the upgrade should detect and kill running instances on the workstation without you having to specially code anything yourself, or at least this is my understanding from the documentation. But perhaps you are using too low of a patch? Patch 2 is very old. GUI 7.40 is up to at least patch 9 (that's what we are using), and the SAPSetup program itself (used by the Installation Server) is beyond patch 78 (what we have). I would ensure you have at least these patch levels.
That said, Dan's code should work if it is inserted into a Package Event Script within your Installation Server. If you aren't using an Installation Server -- well, then, really you should, but if you aren't -- you could use some external VBscript to close the process. I have used the following for running upgrades at my location -- bear in mind, the script needs to "run as administrator" if it is outside of an Installation Server, so it has to start with that:
Set oWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
If WScript.Arguments.length = 0 Then 'Restart script as Administrator
If strOSVersion = "6." Or strOSVersion = "10" Then
Set objApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
objApp.ShellExecute "wscript.exe", """" & WScript.ScriptFullName & """" & " RunAsAdministrator", , "runas", 1
End If
Else 'do the work
Set colProcess = oWMI.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_Process Where Name = 'saplogon.exe'")
For Each objProcess in colProcess
Return = objProcess.Terminate()
End If 'Close out the ELSE statement
Message was edited by: Matt Fraser (first attempt got garbled)
You are welcome
Hi Edut,
Yes, you can download the XSD from MT or DT and change the occurrence of first node.
can you share code from smartform related to this field?
Upon further review of the links I need additional help.
The document found under the first link is entitled:
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86)
The document found under the second link is entitled:
Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 Update 4 (Presumably x64)
Can you please confirm that it sounds logical to only install the files under the first link? (x86)
Thank you.
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Hi Sriram
We did setup the critical Role/Profile functionality to monitor who has access to critical profiles like SAP_ALL in all the target systems connected to our GRC. The job is scheduled on a daily basis and the Compliance team would monitor the results as part of continuous monitoring.
Also like one of the other member already mentioned, a rule can be written in the PC to monitor it.
Sorry for repeating my self but to make it a bit clear:
Required: Dashboard (BO) to get valuated stock (Values and Quantities) like mb5b filtered by month and year across:
Steps done:
How to get historical data in BX like restricting with say 01.01.2016 to get the closing value and quantity
Sorry for repeating my self but to make it a bit clear:
Required: Dashboard (BO) to get valuated stock (Values and Quantities) like mb5b filtered by month and year across:
Steps done:
How to get historical data in BX like restricting with say 01.01.2016 to get the closing value and quantity
Sorry for repeating my self but to make it a bit clear:
Required: Dashboard (BO) to get valuated stock (Values and Quantities) like mb5b filtered by month and year across:
Steps done:
How to get historical data in BX like restricting with say 01.01.2016 to get the closing value and quantity