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Re: Author Plugin - incorrect Mesh generation





It is really hard to say without any algorithm description and/or code snippet.



Try to disable point collapsing in the Vector3List - Vector3List::EnableCompacting(false);

you can get rid of duplicate points in the resulting mesh later by calling rh::e3::Mesh::Optimize(OPTIMIZE_POINTS);





Re: PI 7.1 to PO migration


Hi All,


I am currently in PI 7.0 to PO 7.4 migration project.


Manual Creation of SWC objects in SLD generated unique GUID and import of ESR/ID objects from old system (PI 7.0) have different GUID.


I have two software component Versions now with same name under my Software Component.


How to handle this Conflict?


Do I need to delete the SWCV entry in SLD and export it from my old system ? Please provide me the solution.


Best Regards,

Suresh S

SAP PI to PO Migration SLD Object Conflict


Hi All, I am currently in PI 7.0 to PO 7.4 migration project. I have created SLD objects manually and imported ESR objects from old system. Manual Creation of SWC objects in SLD generated unique GUID and import of ESR/ID objects from old system (PI 7.0) SWC have different GUID. I have two software component Versions now with same name under my Software Component. How to handle this Conflict? Do I need to delete the SWCV entry in SLD and export it from my old system ? Please provide me the solution. Best Regards, Suresh S

Re: issue with email address maintained in IW32 PM order


Do it through user exit IWO10009 by using mail sending function module. Have a ztable for emailIds.

Deficit of BA Blocked and Deficit of BA Blocked prev.






Have an issue for returning stock to subcontracting vendor.



1. GR done : Stock to QI. (2nd week of June)

2. QI rejection.

3. Return del created.  (4th week of June)

When tried to do PGI; got a blank Goods movement error log.

4. After changing the del dates; got the error

Deficit of BA Blocked prev.

5. Stock posting changed (Blocked to Unrestricted) and brought it back to blocked status.

Now getting

Deficit of BA Blocked


Stock does exist in blocked status; even though unable to complete the PGI.

Why should

1. the error log be blank when I tried to do PGI?

2. After changing the del dates; the error message appears with ' prev'.



Already reviewed 'https://scn.sap.com/thread/3169959'.




Kindly let me know your thoughts.

Re: How to check if an attribute IS NOT present


Meh, sorry. I started with the written statement and then switched to actual SQL and forgot to take that out. :/


For mskey just change "mcMSKEYVALUE" to "mcmskey as mskey". I was taught to always go "mcmskey as mskey", because jobs tend to not work when the result is not "mskey".

Re: Open Draft documents using SDK UI


Hi Krishnan,


Just change your first parameter:


SBO_Application.OpenForm((BoFormObjectEnum)112, "", draftDocEntry.ToString());  


Best regards,

Diego Lother

View Diego Lother's profile on LinkedIn

Re: SAP support renewal for powerbuilder ?!

Re: Spool Request Error


HI Anjali,


Sorry, but would you be able to tell me how to get to that?


Thanks so much,



Re: OData v4 plans (like sap.ui.model.odata.v4.odatamodel) ?


Hi Attila,


Your first question was if Gateway will support it. As the SAP Roadmap says, it is as planned.


In terms of UI library, the SAPUI5 1.38 has the OData V4 (as experimental) but you are not able to consume OData V4 from Gateway at this moment using NW 7.5 SP3, because the Gateway still supporting V2 only.


The SAPUI5 OData V4 library can consume any third party which provides V4 as well.


In summary, the SAPUI5 is V4 (1.38) but the SAP backend still in V2 (NW 7.50 SP3).




Re: Negative Posting using FP05




Why would you post a negative within a payment lot?




Re: Spool Request Error


Please go to the corresponding output request and click  on log icon.This graphic is explained in the accompanying text




Re: ERP6.0 EHP7 IDES installation on Windows2008R + Oracle12C error message


Hi Jaejung,


I am having the same issue how did you manage to solve it. I have downloaded kernel for the DB release and I am browsing to the files:






See attached screenshot.Screen Shot 2016-07-20 at 23.11.26.png

ASE 16 : missing token in master.dbo.spt_values


The token #205,  'Grant'  existing in master..spt_values in ASE  15.5 is dropped from ASE 16 version.

Any reason why this could be ?


One of our scripts malfunctioned because it expected the token "Grant" at #205


Ran query below  to find the tokens and names


select left(v.name,40) as name, v.number from master.dbo.spt_values v where v.type='T'



ASE 15 list


TOKEN VALUES                          -1

References                           151

Set Proxy                            167

Select                               193

Insert                               195

Delete                               196

Update                               197

Create Table                         198

Create Database                      203

Grant                                205

..... /<snip>


ASE 16 list

Token Values                                      -1

Select Builtin                                     5

DBCC Checkalloc                                   17

DBCC Checkalloc Any Database                      18

DBCC Checkcatalog                                 21

DBCC Checkcatalog Any Database                    22

Allow Hadr Login                                  23

DBCC Checkdb                                      25

DBCC Checkdb Any Database                         26

DBCC Checkindex                                   29

DBCC Checkindex Any Database                      30

DBCC Checkstorage                                 33

DBCC Checkstorage Any Database                    34

DBCC Checktable                                   37

DBCC Checktable Any Database                      38

DBCC Checkverify                                  41

DBCC Checkverify Any Database                     42

DBCC Fix_text                                     45

DBCC Fix_text Any Database                        46

DBCC Indexalloc                                   49

DBCC Indexalloc Any Database                      50

DBCC Reindex                                      53

DBCC Reindex Any Database                         54

DBCC Tablealloc                                   57

DBCC Tablealloc Any Database                      58

DBCC Textalloc                                    61

DBCC Textalloc Any Database                       62

DBCC Monitor                                      64

DBCC Tune                                         65

Setuser                                          136

References                                       151

Set Proxy                                        167

Select                                           193

Insert                                           195

Delete                                           196

Update                                           197

Create Table                                     198

Create Database                                  203

Create View                                      207

Create Trigger                                   221

.... <snip>





Re: waiting for regular buffer read to complete during MOUNT DATABASE


Assuming a largish database and slow NFS access ... 100 seconds (100,000 ms) doesn't sound like a lot of unexpected wait time.  Would really need a good bit more info ...


- Has this same exact mount (same NFS files, same ASE and config) run faster in the past? does it run fast sometimes but slow at other times? [assuming *NO* changes by you ... may want to speak to your network folks to see if you're competing against processing that sporadically floods your network or NFS host with activity]


- How big is the database, are all devices on NFS, and what was the total time to get the database mounted and online for use?


- Have you tried wrapping your 'mount database' in some sampling of metrics to get a better picture of what's going on? For example:


================= test harness

select 'TimeStamp' = convert(varchar,getdate(),109)

select * from master..monDeviceIO

select * from master..monNetworkIO

select * from master..monProcessActivity where SPID = @@spid

select * from master..monProcessObject where SPID = @@spid

select * from master..monProcessStatement where SPID = @@spid


select * from master..monProcessWaits where SPID = @@spid


exec sp_sysmon "begin_sample"



mount database ...



select 'TimeStamp' = convert(varchar,getdate(),109)

select * from master..monDeviceIO

select * from master..monNetworkIO

select * from master..monProcessActivity where SPID = @@spid

select * from master..monProcessObject where SPID = @@spid

select * from master..monProcessStatement where SPID = @@spid

select * from master..monProcessWaits where SPID = @@spid


exec sp_sysmon "end_sample",noclear




... yeah, there's going to be some redundant info in all of that output, but I'd rather have too much than not enough.  And (obviously) it's probably best to run your test with little/no other activity so that you're not skewing your samples.

Statistical Forecast Error in customized version


Hi Experts,


I am using Unified Planning Area in IBP 6. I have customized a version called FLEX Version where I have included the Keyfigures such as ACTUALSQTY(standard keyfig), ADJUSTEDACTUALSQTY(customized Keyfig) and STATISTICALFORECASTQTY(std Keyfig). I have created a forecast model MOVING AVERAGE which would take ADJUSTEDACTUALSQTY as input and generate the Stat Forecast result in STATISTICALFORECASTQTY. When I am running Stat Forecast in Baseline Version it is working properly and the result is also getting generated. But when I am running the Statistical Forecast in FLEX Version it is giving an error. I have added all the mentioned Keyfigures in FLEX Version. Can anyone suggest why I am getting the error? I have added screenshots of my Version Configuration and also the error that I am facing

Converting circular structure to JSON - While odata.create


Hello Expert,


I am facing issue while creating entityset to odata.


I am using odata with meta data like :











<PropertyName="BusinessPartnerID"Type="Edm.String"Nullable="false"MaxLength="10"sap:label="Business Partner ID"sap:creatable="false"sap:updatable="false"/>


<PropertyName="WebAddress"Type="Edm.String"sap:label="Web Address"sap:sortable="false"sap:filterable="false"sap:semantics="url"/>


<PropertyName="PhoneNumber"Type="Edm.String"MaxLength="30"sap:label="Phone No."sap:semantics="tel"/>

<PropertyName="FaxNumber"Type="Edm.String"MaxLength="30"sap:label="Fax Number"/>

<PropertyName="LegalForm"Type="Edm.String"MaxLength="10"sap:label="Legal Form"/>

<PropertyName="CurrencyCode"Type="Edm.String"Nullable="false"MaxLength="5"sap:label="Currency Code"sap:semantics="currency-code"/>

<PropertyName="BusinessPartnerRole"Type="Edm.String"Nullable="false"MaxLength="3"sap:label="Bus. Part. Role"/>

<PropertyName="CreatedAt"Type="Edm.DateTime"Precision="7"sap:label="Time Stamp"sap:creatable="false"sap:updatable="false"/>

<PropertyName="ChangedAt"Type="Edm.DateTime"Precision="7"ConcurrencyMode="Fixed"sap:label="Time Stamp"sap:creatable="false"sap:updatable="false"/>

Where as the Address is like:





<PropertyName="PostalCode"Type="Edm.String"MaxLength="10"sap:label="Postal Code"sap:semantics="zip"/>




<PropertyName="AddressType"Type="Edm.String"MaxLength="2"sap:label="Address Type"/>


I have created a form to get data from user. I bound json model to the form which looks like:


  "CompanyName" : " ",

  "WebAddress" : " ",

  "EmailAddress": " ",

  "PhoneNumber": " ",

  "FaxNumber":" ",

  "Address" : {

       "Building" : " ",

       "Street" : " ",

       "PostalCode" : " ",

       "City" : " ",

       "Country" : " "






Since a partnerset has a address.



I am calling the create method of odata :


     var json = this.getView().getModel("jsonModel");

        this.getView().getModel().create('/BusinessPartnerSet', json, null,


            sap.m.messageToast("Data Created");

            var rData = data;



            var e = error;




I am getting error when calling the create method:


Converting circular structure to JSON



How to pass data corrrectly to odata to create entity ?




Create standard BO from Script [Clone existing opportunities]


Hello pros,


I have a specific business requirement that I'm not able to implement.

Purpose of the requirement :

ConsiderI have already in base hundreds of opportunities. I would like to create a button that fire a copy of all existing opportunities, or all existing filtered to the previous month.



Things I tried to do :

I created a "dumb/useless" Custom Object with a text field "dummy", created screens using "Screen scenario with thing based navigation" option then I created a BeforeSave script that will fetch for all Opportunities and will recreate them (basically : Opportunity.CreateWithRef(opportunity)).Problem here is not really the code part, but the fact that my script is never called. Tried also other proposed scripts :


Script files.PNG

They were not firing too.

To ensure that my code was not bugged, I tried a this.dummy = "blablabla" that should replace whats the user typed in the QC. Not working.



Giving up the previous solution, I had a look on the opportunity.owl, and as we cannot modify native screens, I tried to reproduce the following Copy Handler on my custom BO :


opportunity owl.PNG


The problem here is that you are not allowed to fire Outports in a different namespace of the custom object. You are not allowed to add field from BO located in a different namespace too.

Please, tell me if I'm wrong or if I'm doing something wrong.



Any suggestions, advices, or workarounds would be really appreciated.

Thanks a lot.





Re: change correctly the COGS for A/P Invoice error (after A/R Invoice registration)


Are you copying the credit memo from the first AP Invoice, or creating it as stand alone?


There must be a difference in the item cost between the documents.


You can manually enter an item cost to be used in a credit or return document, which should help you to align your COGS entries

Re: Print Preview is taking long time


You may need to review your Crystal report to try to optimise the SQL being used.

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