Re: AFBN - RAFABNEW - not opening a new depr area
I agree. I've often commented here on SCN that it's probably the most modified program in FI-AA. But it's not a sample... members need to know that it's a legit fully supported and productive option.
View ArticleRe: Define which user did modification in PDI
HiThis is not possible, to see who added which fields. You can not change same file/contnet at a same time, it will be locked by the user.Even SAP also does not maintain such log for sdk user, to see...
View ArticleRe: Portal UME in 7.4
we couldn´t use the same datasource config file from Portal 7.0. After some tries we just made new one.
View ArticleRe: Simultaneous production orders (discrete manufacturing)
Hi Nacho You can use special procurement '52 Direct production / collective order' for component B. That way, system will create a production order of component B that will be linked to the production...
View ArticleRe: Evaluate date field, use only if not null/empty in query.
Volker,I had to read that a few times. I thinkthe below text should sum it up. "Select ouch FROM Possible_headacheWHERE ISPAINFUL sql_logic AND ISCONFUSING sql_syntax (WHERE NULLIF (comprehension,...
View ArticleRe: MTO+MTS strategy without sale order reference
Shiv, ...but my requirement is to get planned order= PIR+ Sale order- stock....There is no standard SAP strategy that meets this requirement.You could attempt to build your own custom strategy via...
View ArticleRe: Information / documentation regarding hotfixes
Hello Roman , The Hotfix are applied at System level and all the Tenants(Web URL) available in that will have the correction available .**Note :In general both Prod and Test tenant are in different...
View ArticleRe: Renewal Reminder mail not sent Post upgrade to 10
Hi Gayathri, Glad you managed to implement a workaround. To call the standard notification you should be able to fetch the renewal MailTypeEnumType by using: mailType = new MailTypeEnumType(47); Or use...
View ArticleRe: Where to find the transction related other Transctions
Hi Srinivas As far as I could understand from the description you have given , your requirement is to find the transactions which are called by other transactions.You can find this in table TCDCOUPLES....
View ArticleRe: Environment Management
Hello thre is one (or more OSS notes ) in SAP marketplace explaining the current options to install EHSM using S74 Hana So please check there as this is the "official" place to look at C.B.
View ArticleRe: Need help in updating user accounts via CSV file in Sourcing 10
Hi Gayathri, It could be related to something else... But the only solution is to:- set logs to Debug- replicate again- fetch logs and check the stack trace If you get the trace then you can paste it...
View ArticleRe: Help needed to get Interop.ADOMD.dll
Yeah, but those are MS files, right? So, why not ask Microsoft? - Ludek Senior Support Engineer Product Support Join us for Lumira Social Hour May 26, 2016Follow us on Twitter (#SAPLumira)Got...
View ArticleRe: Regarding Depreciation AFAB
Dear Mona, Also check at OAAQ what is the closed fiscal year for your company code. You can run depreciation only for the next year of it. Best regards, Gabriel Coleti
View ArticleRe: ABAP Unit test removal
Any code done correctly is always good however any code done wrong is bad. A couple of JR programmers missed the concept of unit test and have proliferated some programs with it. I was hoping not to...
View ArticleRe: Affordable Care Act (ACA)
Hello Angela and Community, Re 2362, for up-to-date information on the ACA planned delivery roadmap and notes to be applied (mandatory vs. optional based on your system and reporting requirements),...
View ArticleRe: SAPGui 7.4 Java for openSUSE 42.1 Leap
Hi Alex, It seems that you need a JDK from Oracle, where maybe JavaFX exists, or try out OpenJFX. Kind regards,Cris
View ArticlePosting of disconnection charges as net receivables
Hello Experts, We have configured charge schemas to be used in disconnection processing variants for posting of disconnection/reconnection charges. The business requirement is that is that this should...
View ArticleProblem with proxy to consume HANA XS OData in Hana Cloud Trial account
Hello experts, I'm following SIMMACO FERRIERO's post How to consume a HANA XS service on the HANA Trial landscape creating Gregor Wolf's proxy with node.js to expose the HANA XS Odata service I've...
View ArticleMan is a creature of habit - feedback after a week in Beta
After a week of checking the beta of the new SCN I still struggle with the navigation. As a member of the Strategic Advisory Board I saw and tested single features like the blogging already long time...
View ArticleRe: Drill Down
when i drill down - will this refresh worksheet. i have some code in After_refresh function. i am expecting after_refresh to run when i drill down
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