Hi Friends,
Env BW7.4
I have a question regarding the 0fi_gl_10 delta's. I went though the following notes
1002272 - Fi-GL (new) DataSource 0FI_GL_10, 3FI_GL_*: Incorrect data in BI
1392817 - Description of the delta procedure for the balance extraction
We have used sap standard data source and DSO for the data extraction. DSO key figures are set to "overwrite"
The fields in the datasource are more than the 16 allowed keys in the DSO, which makes some of our delta records not correct, as they are overwritten
explanation given in one note
Flag ‘T’ (Transfer) is set to ‘X’ for ALL fields (automatically set during migration!).
This means that ALL fields are being filled during extraction on ERP side and passed to BI. If there are no correct transfer rules for all fields(!) or the DSO is not defined correctly (no usage of field concatenations) data will be overwritten.
Measure to be taken:
Please inactivate the ‘Transfer’ flag for all fields that you do not need, define correct transfer rules (e.g. field concatenations) for all fields that you need and define your DSO accordingly.
does it mean that those records with no "X" marked in the Transfer, are not transferred to BW and also they are aggregated at source, so that we do not miss any records.
if it just suppresses the data for those fields without aggregation, then we end up with less delta records due to the overwrite mode of the key figures.
Thanks for your time