There have been lots of discussion and notes around this issue. I still can't figure out why in my specific case, CO09 is not giving me plant stock value.
Here's my scenario
Material is extended to 2 storage locations A and B. storage location B is planned separately.
Storage Location A has 100 stock
Storage location B has 50 Stock
All stock type is unrestricted, no open PO's or STOs.
OVZ9 has nothing that will exclude storage location B from ATP
Plant area = MRP Area
When I execute C009 I show stock of 100
When sales order is created ATP show's stock of 100
However, when I remove setting from storage location B to be planned at plant level, CO09 show's stock as 150.
To me, this is not normal, ATP should be based at plant level, unless in situation where it's specifically called out on the sales order.
Can anybody tell me why planning the material at sloc separately for MRP purposes also exclude the quantities in the storage location from ATP values?.