Hi all!
I finally managed to deploy my first UI5 application working with OData models and some basic functions.
Now I want to add some common but useful features, like column filtering but i receive the error in the thread object.
What did i do
In my XML view, i enhanced the Table (sap.ui.table.Table type) to allow the column filtering
<Table id="tableHu" selectionMode="MultiToggle" visibleRowCount="20" enableSelectAll="false" enableCellFilter="true" rows="{huData>/ZodataHuList}" enableBusyIndicator="true">
Then, for the columns i want to filter, i add the corresponding options:
<Column width="8rem" autoResizable="true" filterProperty = "huData>Matnr" defaultFilterOperator="Contains"> <m:Label text="{i18n>Matnr}" /> <template> <m:Text text="{huData>Matnr}"/> </template>
And... wow! The filter is showing!
The problem
The problem occurs when i try to filter my values
and in my console i see this error
I take as example the official sample here SAPUI5 Explored where i do not see any declaration for the column filter and i guess it's a native functionality.
Any hint to get rid of it? My OData service works fine, reading and updating the data so i do not think it's there the issue... but it's my guess!
Thanks all!