Hi friends,
I am new to ABAP HR. I am currently designing my first ABAP HR payroll program. I got the steps from one of the links .
1. Use LDB PNP.
2. Define structure of PNP node PERNR.
3. Declare Internal tables and structures used in program. (We use standard Include to define those. (1). Rpc2cd09 (Cluster Directory definitions). (2). Rpc2rx09 (Data Definition, Cluster RX File PCL2 (International Payroll Results)).
4. Read cluster directory from RP-IMP-C2-CU (x country indicator) by passing CD-key-pernr. RGDIR internal table is filled up.
5. Call the function module CD_EVALUATION_PERIODS to transfer the payroll results to payroll run as u2018Au2019 records (Current) and u2018Pu2019 records (Previous) by passing in-period and RGDIR internal table.
6. Loop new RGDIR itab and read cluster Rx (x Country Indicator) from RP-IMP-C2-Rx (x Country indicator) by passing Rx-key (structure contains pernr, seqno). Now data is available in RT, CRT, BT and many more tables.</span>
Please provide some sample code on how to implement the steps given above.I checked many links but my answer is not coming .Additionally, i have to display a particular employee's PF, DA & TA also. How do i do it in this report.? How do i debug an ABAP payroll program? Please provide some tips .
Saurav Lahiry